How To Perform a Telnet Operation from a Java Application

Follow these simple steps to perform a telnet operation from a Java application:

  1. Download the free API, jta20.jar.
  2. Set the file in the classpath:
    public class TestTelnet{  public static void main(String args[]){        //instantiate the telnet wrapper class        TelnetWrapper telnetWrapper = new TelnetWrapper();        try {            //connect to the ipaddress            telnetWrapper.connect("", 23);            //username and pwd of the ipaddress            telnetWrapper.login("username", "pwd");            //this is the prompt appears when doing normal ftp using cmd prompt.            telnetWrapper.setPrompt("ftpprompt$");           //wait for the prompt           telnetWrapper.waitfor("bash-2.03$");           //execute the commands           System.out.println(telnetWrapper.send("ps -ef | grep java"));        }catch( e){           e.printStackTrace();        }  }}


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