Using a loop and the mathematical formula for a spiral, you can use pset(x,y) to plot the points returned by the formulas. The variables a and b determine the shape of the spiral. Generally, smaller numbers mean a tighter spiral. The following code shows an exponential spiral wherein the distance from the origin increases drastically with each rotation:
Option ExplicitPrivate Const Pi As Double = 3.14159265358979Private Const e As Double = 2.718281828Private Sub cmdDraw_Click() Dim cX As Long, X As Long Dim cy As Long, Y As Long 'get the center of the form. cX = Me.ScaleWidth / 2 cy = Me.ScaleHeight / 2 a = 0.15 b = 0.15 'loop round to plot the points of the spiral. For i = 0 To 23040 ang = (Pi / 720) * i X = cX + (a * (Cos(ang)) * (e ^ (b * ang))) Y = cy - (a * (Sin(ang)) * (e ^ (b * ang))) Me.PSet (X, Y) Next i End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() 'set the form up. Me.ScaleMode = vbPixels Me.AutoRedraw = True Me.WindowState = vbMaximized End Sub