
List Files With FileSystemObjects

List Files With FileSystemObjects

One of Visual Basic’s handiest functions is the Dir function, which allows you to find all the files with a given filespec. VBScript does not have an identical function, but it does provide a way to list all the files in a directory. With this list, you can then filter by the file names. Note that the GetFolder method takes the physical directory on the server rather than the virtual path as a parameter.

 Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = fso.GetFolder("c:websharewwwroot")Set fc = f.FilesFor Each f1 in fc    If Instr(1, f1.Name, ".asp") <> 0 Then        Response.Write "

" & f1.Name End IfNext


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