
Join Two Files Together

Join Two Files Together

The DOS Copy command allows you to take the contents of two different files and put them one after the other into a third file. You can do the same thing in VB with this subroutine:

 Public Sub JoinFiles(Source1 As String, Source2 As String, _	Dest As String)	Dim Buffer() As Byte	Open Source1 For Binary Access Read As #1	Open Source2 For Binary Access Read As #2	Open Dest For Binary Access Write As #3	ReDim Buffer(1 To LOF(1))	Get #1, , Buffer	Put #3, , Buffer	ReDim Buffer(1 To LOF(2))	Get #2, , Buffer	Put #3, , Buffer	Close #1, #2, #3End Sub

In a production app, use FreeFile rather than hard-code the file handles.


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