
August 21, 1997

Toggle Boolean Values Using Not

To toggle a variable between True and False, use the Not operator insteadof an If statement. Use the Not operator on those variables you have explicitlyset with the True or

VB Assist Quick Tips

Using the AutoSave feature in the VBAssist Options box automaticallysaves changes made to your project after a defined time interval. To temporarily bypass VBAssist’s Control Lock feature, hold down theCtrl

Editing Grid Cells

Grids provide a nice way to present certain types of spreadsheet information.Unfortunately, the grid in VB does not allow editing. With just a littlebit of code you can simulate editing

Use the Controls Collection

If you need to reference every control on a form, using the Controlscollection will be faster than referencing every control directly. Forexample, if you have four command buttons on a

Preventing “Invalid Use of Null” Errors

If your app uses database or other functions that can return Null variants,your app will crash sooner or later with that dreaded “Invalid Useof Null” error. Preventing it is simple: