
December 24, 1998

Why qsort is Still Useful in C++

C++ defines a set of generic algorithms such as sort and find. However, the corresponding C algorithms, qsort and bsearch, are still useful in C++ programs for at least three

Live Action Captions

When building a TextBox or Label UserControl, the Caption or Text property sometimes doesn’t work well with the standard controls, as the control’s appearance doesn’t change when you type the

Add a New Number Format

A client needed the numbers to show up in certain data files in the “x100” format to accommodate interchanging data with a legacy system. That is, if the number is

Is Missing Behavior Changed in VB5

In VB5, you can assign a default value to a typed optional argument. But you must then use the IsMissing function carefully, because when the optional argument is typed, IsMissing