
February 4, 1999

Keep Track of Index Numbers

When using control arrays, I find it difficult to keep track of the index number of each control. Even if I use constants, I often have to look up the

Establish a Data Dictionary

If your SQL looks like this, you need to ask yourself how much code you’d have to inspect and revise if you decided to change a database field or table

Improve on the Bubble Sort

A bubble sort’s execution time is a multiple of the square of the number of elements. Because of this, the bubble sort is said to be an n-squared algorithm. You

Context-Sensitive Help for Disabled Controls

If you want a form to support context-sensitive help, set the WhatsThisButton and WhatsThisHelp properties on the form to True, and set the WhatsThisHelpID property to a corresponding help-file topic

Slam Selected Items Into an Array

Use this code to retrieve all selected list items in a multiselect-style listbox in one API call. It’s a lot easier than iterating through a large list using For…Next. This

Sorting With the sort() Algorithm

The generic algorithm sort() is part of the Standard Library. sort() takes two arguments of type const iterator that point to the beginning and the end of the sequence respectively:

Storing a Last-Modified Date in a Cookie

On informational Web sites, it is often handy to be able to show certain kinds of information only once, and then keep it hidden until it is updated. That way,