April 2, 1999

SQL and object reference in Fox Pro

Question: How can I can reference the value of an object to use in a select statement? My statment is being used in a Visual Fox Pro application, andso far


Question: I am looking for some way for ppl to sort info that I have in a table on my page. I have been told many many tiems that I

FoxPro vs. Access

Question: I’m planning on using Visual Basic as a front end, but cannot decide on Access or FoxPro as the back end. Any big differences between the two? Answer: I

Preview in VFP

Question: I am going to give a preview of a report for a user, but a small window with a printer icon shows on the top. I don’t want the

Foxpro 2.6 for DOS

Question: I know I’m a bit behind, but I would like to know how to create C programs for use in Foxpro for DOS. I have Foxpro 2.6 with LCK,

Loading automaticaly

Question: When I put my CD into my computer, it should start the programs automatically, but it don’t. I have to go to PROGRAMS to make it come up. Could

Writing UDP Clients and Servers

o write UDP clients and servers, you have to use the DatagramSocket class. UDP is a connectionless protocol, so a UDP server doesn’t have to perform an accept() operation the

Get Data with GetString

DO recordsets have a handy little method called GetString that they inherited from RDO’s GetClipString. GetString returns the contents of a recordset into a formatted string. Here are three useful