JavaScript Include Files?
Question: I have JavaScript functions that I’m using in different pages. Is there a way to do a C/C++ type include so I don’t have to replicate the JavaScript code
Question: I have JavaScript functions that I’m using in different pages. Is there a way to do a C/C++ type include so I don’t have to replicate the JavaScript code
The new and improved showplan in SQL 7 is certainly prettier and easier to understand than the previous version. However, a better method of focusing on trouble spots is using
A crude but common way of debugging Java programs is to use the public System.out and/or System.err instances of PrintStream to display information: System.out.println(“Entering section A of my code”); One
A sequence adaptor is a container built upon another container that modifies its interface. For example, the container stack is usually implemented as a deque, whose non-stack operations are hidden.
The drag and drop convenience of Microsoft FrontPage 98 makes you more efficient but leaves some unprofessional touches to Web pages. For instance, when you drop an image into the