
November 13, 1999

Play a MIDI file

If you want to play a MIDI file from VB you have to use MCI functions. The main MCI function is mciSendString, that sends command strings to the system and

Retrieve the size of an AVI movie

To retrieve the original size of an AVI file that you’ve already opened with the mciSendString API function you can use this command Dim RetString As StringRetString = Space$(256)CommandString =

Play an AVI movie

If you want to play an AVI movie from VB you can use MCI functions. The main MCI function is mciSendString, that sends command strings to the system and execute

Play a CD Audio track

If you want to play a track of an audio CD from VB you can use MCI functions. The main MCI function is mciSendString, that sends command strings to the

Record a WAV file

You can use MCI functions if you want to record a WAV file. The main MCI function is mciSendString, that sends command strings to the system and execute them. Declare

Play an AVI movie in a PictureBox control

With MCI functions you can play an AVI movie into a PictureBox. All you need to do is open the file with a special procedure: Declare Function mciSendString Lib “winmm”

What are Obfuscators?

Java bytecode contains information in your Java source files. This byte code is generated by the java compiler as per an explicitly documented specification. It is not impossible to reverse

What Is Javadoc?

Javadoc is a program shipped with JDK that you can use to run over your source code to produce documentation of your classes in the same type of HTML files