
November 13, 1999

inline vs. __forceinline

MS Visual C++, as well as several other compilers, now offer non-standard keywords that control the inline expansion of a function, in addition to the standard inline keyword. What are

Declaring References to Functions

You can declare a reference to a function, just like you can declare a pointer to a function. For example: void f(int n){ ++n;}int main(){ void (&rf) (int) = f;

More on Default Arguments

The order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified. Consequently, parameters of a function may not be used in default argument expressions. For example, the following declaration is illegal: int

The Underlying Type of bool and wchar_t

It is guaranteed that sizeof(char), sizeof(signed char) and sizeof(unsigned char) all equal 1. Applying sizeof to any other fundamental type returns an implementation-defined value. In particular, sizeof(bool) and sizeof(wchar_t) need