Cot, Sec, Csc – Missing trig functions
‘ Cotangent of an angleFunction Cot(radians As Double) As Double Cot = 1 / Tan(radians)End Function’ Secant of an angleFunction Sec(radians As Double) As Double Sec = 1 / Cos(radians)End
‘ Cotangent of an angleFunction Cot(radians As Double) As Double Cot = 1 / Tan(radians)End Function’ Secant of an angleFunction Sec(radians As Double) As Double Sec = 1 / Cos(radians)End
‘ hyperbolic arc sineFunction ASinH(value As Double) As Double ASinH = Log(value + Sqr(value * value + 1))End Function’ hyperbolic arc cosine’ error if NUMBER is inside the range [-1,1]Function
‘ arc sine’ error if value is outside the range [-1,1]Function ASin(value As Double) As Double If Abs(value) 1 Then ASin = Atn(value / Sqr(1 – value * value)) Else
‘ hyperbolic sineFunction SinH(value As Double) As Double Dim temp As Double temp = Exp(value) SinH = (temp – 1 / temp) / 2End Function’ hyperbolic cosineFunction CosH(value As Double)
‘ arc tangent of Y/X – returns values in all four quadrantsFunction Atn2(x As Double, y As Double) As Double If x = 0 Then Atn2 = Sgn(y) * 1.5707963267949
‘ convert from degrees to radiansFunction DegreesToRadians(ByVal degrees As Single) As Single DegreesToRadians = degrees / 57.29578End Function’ convert from radians to degreesFunction RadiansToDegrees(ByVal radians As Single) As Single RadiansToDegrees