
August 29, 2000

Disabling Right Clicker on Mouse

Question: Is it possible to disable the user’s right click button using JavaScript? Answer: Is it possible? Yes. Oh, you wanted to know how to do it… Keep in mind,

Placing Child Window

Question: How do I make a child window go behind its parent window when a button is clicked? I know self.focus() brings a window forward. I need the opposite of

Blocking E-mail from Specific Address

Question: How do I block an e-mail address from sending messages to our server? A former employee keeps sending messages from his outside account to our current employees. I have

Focusing on Field

Question: I am using onblur method on text fields. Based on Validation I want to put the focus back on field. function fldfocus(fldname) {if (navigator.appName==”Netscape”) {document.Layers[fldname].Focus();else {document.all[fldname].focus();}} On Netscape it

Derive from STL Map<>

Question: I created my own map class (called it Mapper) by creating a template class and deriving from STL map container class. I did so because I wanted to have

Inheritance in C++

Question: In order to have better maintainability and optimum performance, how many levels of inheritance do you recommend ? Answer: Performance is not affected by the depth of inheritance. The

Form with One Text Field

Question: I see search pages that allow text input, then pressing the ENTER key is the same as pressing a link or pushbutton. How is this done? Answer: If a

When Not to Use Query Strings

You should not use query strings when you are passing hidden information and when you are passing large chunks of data. A query string is not hidden in any way