Using aliases to quickly change the type of variables
It may happen that you have to define a lot of variable of some type, and you want the possibility to later change their type without manually change the declaration
It may happen that you have to define a lot of variable of some type, and you want the possibility to later change their type without manually change the declaration
‘ Return the Database name if the input connection string points to a SQL ‘ Server DB, or the DB path if the connection string points to a Jet (Access)
‘ Return a boolean indicating whether the input connection string is for the’ ADO.NET’s SQL Server managed provider’ Note: the function assumes the input string is a valid OLEDB or
‘ Return a boolean indicating whether the input connection string for the OLEDB ‘ managed provider points to a SQL Server DB” Examples:’ Debug.WriteLine(IsOleDbSqlConnString(“Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data ‘ Source=.;User ID=sa;Password=;Initial Catalog=MyDB”)) ‘ =>
When you use a web service’s proxy class, the calls to the web service might fail if you’re behind a proxy server. To solve the problem, you set the Proxy