
February 9, 2006

Allocating Arrays with Placement new

llocating objects on a predetermined memory address has become a popular idiom in recent years, particularly in mobile programming, embedded systems, and custom garbage collectors. However, the technique shown in

My Not-So-Evil Twin

n a recent instance of this column, I referred to my “evil twin,” as in: “And I didn’t write this article. My evil twin did it. Don’t come looking for

I Object

n a recent issue (“Am I a Mad Scientist?” CoDe Magazine, May/June 2005), I wrote about the obvious practical benefits of creating strongly-typed classes within a custom software application. Since


his summer and fall have been an absolute blast. I attended a number of user groups and conferences. The fun started in April with my first Code Camp. I flew

Convert Descriptive Flex Fields to Numbers

Often, data in Oracle applications is stored in extended columns known as Descriptive Flex Field (DFF) columns. These are character columns which you can map to store any kind of

Write Time Zone Aware Code in Oracle

n our increasingly interconnected world, it’s more and more important for code to be able to handle time zones gracefully. For example, if call centers in Bangalore and London use