
August 6, 2013

Forrester Predicts Continued Growth for Tablets

A new report from the market researchers forecasts continued “hyper-growth” for tablets. The company believes tablet sales will grow an average 25.6 percent over the next four years, reaching 381.23

Eclipse Adds More Machine-to-Machine Projects

By some estimates, machine-to-machine (M2M) interactions are one of the fastest growing areas of technology. These types of interactions are a key part of the coming “Internet of Things,” a

Understanding Amazon AWS Compute Offerings

To run and operate any application, computing power is needed, that includes hardware and software (including operating system, platform software, and application code). Traditionally, acquiring hardware and software (operating system

Gartner: SaaS Customers Beware

Market research firm Gartner is sounding the alarm about customer dissatisfaction with some cloud computing services. Specifically, enterprises are concerned about contract ambiguities related to the maintenance of data confidentiality,