
October 30, 2023

Graphite Problem

Electric Vehicle Battery Makers Face Graphite Dilemma

Impact on electric vehicle battery manufacturers Beijing’s latest move to curtail graphite exports may disproportionately impact overseas electric vehicle (EV) battery component manufacturers who have been slower to adopt synthetic

Privacy Revolution

iOS 17.1: Ultimate Privacy Revolution

iOS 17.1 privacy features Apple has recently introduced an important privacy upgrade, iOS 17.1, focused on safeguarding iPhone users from tracking. This update is crucial for individuals who value privacy

Marine Cloud Brightening

Save the Earth by Brightening Clouds?

A recent study by the University of Victoria, Canada, suggests that cloud geoengineering, specifically marine cloud brightening (MCB), might play a crucial role in preventing significant climate tipping points. The

Nebraska Modular Reactors

Nebraska Explores Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

Introduction to Small Modular Nuclear Reactors in Nebraska Officials in Nebraska have started examining the possibilities of enlarging the state’s nuclear energy output by contemplating the establishment of small modular

Phony Reactor Deal

Inside NuScale’s Alleged Phony Reactor Deal

Nuclear energy startup NuScale is being scrutinized by attorneys after being accused of selling 24 reactors to an alleged “phony client,” as noted in a short-seller report by Iceberg Research.