Book Excerpt: Developing Jini Applications Using J2ME Technology

he world of Java technology is quickly changing from the world of the desktop computer and back-end servers to that of small consumer electronics and embedded devices. During the next few years small devices that connect to the Internet will far outnumber larger personal computers. Consumer products such as PDAs (personal digital assistants), cellular phones, game consoles, television set-top boxes, and car navigation systems will be the new launching pad for the Web.

Developing Jini Applications Using J2ME Technology is your key to understanding and avoiding the common traps and pitfalls that await developers approaching Jini and J2ME technology for the first time. Using practical examples, diagrams, and sample code, this book provides the detailed roadmap needed to design and implement the applications necessary to make a Jini network function successfully.

Chapter 6: “Jini Technology Basics” discusses Jini network terminology, the plug-and-work model, object protocols, leases, attributes, groups, and much more.

Download the PDF of Chapter 6: “Jini Technology Basics”

Reproduced from Developing Jini Applications Using J2ME Technology by permission of Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0201702444 copyright 2002. All rights reserved.


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