
Duplicate the Split Function for VB4 and VB5

Duplicate the Split Function for VB4 and VB5

It’s too bad Microsoft didn’t create the Split function until VB6, but here’s a function that duplicates it for VB4 and VB5 users. The only difference is that with VB4 and VB5, you must use a Variant to receive the Split data, whereas VB6 can also use a dynamic String array:

 Public Function Split(aText As String, _	Optional vSrch As Variant) As Variant	If IsMissing(vSrch) Then vSrch = " "	Dim j As Long, k As Long, a As String	ReDim s(0) As String	a = aText	k = InStr(a, vSrch)	Do While k		If j > UBound(s) Then			ReDim Preserve s(0 To j) As String		End If		s(j) = Left$(a, k - 1)		a = Mid$(a, k + Len(vSrch))		k = InStr(a, vSrch)		j = j + 1	Loop	If Len(a) Then		If j > UBound(s) Then			ReDim Preserve s(0 To j) As String		End If		s(j) = a	End If	Split = sEnd FunctionDim vDat As VariantvDat = Split("This is a test")' vDat(0) = "This"  vDat(1) = "is", etc...
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