
GetMP3Info – Get info in the standard ID3 tag of the specified MP3 file

GetMP3Info – Get info in the standard ID3 tag of the specified MP3 file

Private Type MP3TagInfo    tag As String * 3    title As String * 30    artist As String * 30    album As String * 30    year As String * 4    comment As String * 30    genre As String * 1End Type' Retrieve the informations contained into the standard ID3 tag' of the specified MP3 file' Return an array of 6 elements with the following meaning:'   - index 0: song title'   - index 1: artist'   - index 2: album'   - index 3: year'   - index 4: comment'   - index 5: genre: this is an integer value --> use any MP3 player,'  such as Winamp,'       to look for the descriptions'' Example'    Dim mp3info() As String'    Dim sDescr As String'    ' get the infos'    mp3info = GetMP3Info("C:MyMusicDemo.mp3")'    ' build and show a description string'    sDescr = "Title: " & mp3info(0) & vbCrLf & '        "Artist: " & mp3info(1)'  & vbCrLf & '        "Album: " & mp3info(2) & vbCrLf & '        "Year: " & ' mp3info(3) & vbCrLf & '        "Comment: " & mp3info(4) & vbCrLf & '        ' "Genre: " & mp3info(5)'    MsgBox sDescrFunction GetMP3Info(ByVal sFileName As String) As String()    Dim mp3info As MP3TagInfo    Dim infoRet(5) As String        On Error Resume Next    ' open the specified file    Open sFileName For Binary As #1    ' fill the strct's fileds    With mp3info        Get #1, FileLen(sFileName) - 127, .tag        If Not .tag = "TAG" Then            Close #1            Exit Function        End If        Get #1, , .title        Get #1, , .artist        Get #1, , .album        Get #1, , .year        Get #1, , .comment        Get #1, , .genre        Close #1    End With        ' from struct to array    infoRet(0) = Trim$(mp3info.title)    infoRet(1) = Trim$(mp3info.artist)    infoRet(2) = Trim$(mp3info.album)    infoRet(3) = Trim$(mp3info.year)    infoRet(4) = Trim$(mp3info.comment)    infoRet(5) = CInt(Asc(Trim$(mp3info.genre))) - 1    'return the array    GetMP3Info = infoRetEnd Function

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