
Startup – Foodberry – is creating for edible packaging to curb plastic waste

Startup – Foodberry – is creating for edible packaging to curb plastic waste

Edible Packaging

Foodberry, the Boston-based startup, has created a revolutionary edible food packaging, designed to protect all types of food from hummus to ice cream. This layering not only preserves the shelf life of the food but is also an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic packaging.

Formulated from plant-based ingredients, this edible coating provides an ethical and sustainable way to reduce food and packaging waste. It’s a leap forward in changing food packaging norms and fostering greener practices in the industry.

Mimicking the natural variety found in fruit peels, these coatings can have different tastes and textures. They allow for controlled oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange rates, thus extending the food’s shelf life. Safe and nutritious, Foodberry aims to refine the food’s flavor profile without compromising its quality.

Plastic packaging waste is a massive global environmental issue. With 36% of all manufactured plastics attributed to packaging, it often contributes to harmful waste dumps or pollutants. To combat this, Foodberry created a biodegradable packaging solution that poses no threat to the ecosystem when discarded.

Companies worldwide can substantially reduce non-biodegradable waste via such innovations. They align with global goals to reduce plastic pollution and foster a circular economy for minimal waste and resource misuse. Thus, Foodberry’s edible packaging is a valuable weapon against environmental degradation.

With the risk of harmful chemicals contaminating food supplies, the demand for new, safe packaging solutions is increasing. Foodberry’s innovation reduces plastic waste, provides a nutrient-rich food storage alternative, and enhances the overall eating experience. The future of edible packaging looks promising, with ongoing research for further discoveries and advancements.

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Foodberry CEO, Marty Kolewe, acknowledges the societal preference for convenience, even if it may cost in health decline and plastic waste. The company aims to fill this gap by pairing convenience with nutrition, thereby potentially transforming fast food norms.

They commit to sustainability and high-quality ingredient sourcing. Their use of ‘Nature’s Macros’, essential nutrients, ensures their products provide optimal health benefits to consumers. Foodberry is leading the way in reshaping our view on convenience food.

With a longer shelf-life come reduced food waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Foodberry’s products can stay edible for 60 to 90 days or even up to a year for frozen items. This aspect not only benefits customers but also contributes positively towards environmental preservation by reducing food spoilage.

Pending collaborations with brands like NadaMoo! and discussions with other major food and beverage companies further strengthens Foodberry’s market presence. The rise of mutual partnerships suggests a promising future for Foodberry and sustainable packaging solutions.


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