
C C++

Formatting Floating Point Numbers

ontrolling the number of fractional digits after the decimal point is a common requirement in various application domains?including dialog boxes, relational databases, financial applications, SMS messages, and when processing data

Retrieve a Function’s Name Programmatically

bject reflection libraries, debugging tools, and code analyzers often need to access functions’ names at runtime. Until not long ago, the only portable way to accomplish this was to manually

Allocating Arrays with Placement new

llocating objects on a predetermined memory address has become a popular idiom in recent years, particularly in mobile programming, embedded systems, and custom garbage collectors. However, the technique shown in

Taming Friends for Use in Templates

any design patterns and programming idioms rely on the use of friend declarations. However, when friend declarations are used in templates, the obfuscated syntax can bewilder even expert programmers. This