

VBScript: Microsoft’s Orphaned Language

ack in the early days of the browser wars, Microsoft created a huge incentive for existing Visual Basic developers to transition easily into building Web applications by creating a cut-down,

Agile Requirements: The Real Message

n April 2, 2003 Lori Piquet, DevX’s Editor-In-Chief, wrote an editorial titled “Are You Passing The Requirements Buck?.” The editorial discussed both a presentation that I had given for the

Are You Passing the Requirements Buck?

he more time I spend thinking about alternative programming methodologies, the more I wonder why there’s so much resistance. Which is to say that I generally believe in the concepts

Understanding the Psychology of Programming

t has often been said that programmers are introverts. I find that this isn’t true, in the majority of cases, but programmers usually do have a longer attention span and

How to Fail in One Easy Step

t’s daunting to come up with a topic of interest to a large group of readers?and then to write about it well. I know it’s impossible to please everyone, but

Stepping Up to Book Publishing

ne of the great advantages of being a developer is that your skills are in demand in virtually every industry. That means that when the job market dries up, developers