
.NET Zone

New Features in Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Microsoft .NET Framework introduces a platform that opens a lot of possibilities. It provides a managed platform for executing applications that are portable, scalable, and robust. Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Programming ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.0, Part 1

There are plenty of Object Relational Mapping tools available now. You have nHibernate, LINQ to SQL, Entity Spaces, and what not. The ADO.NET Entity Framework is an extended Object Relational

Unit Test .NET Business Objects Using Nmock Library

Writing unit script code for your complex business objects in a test-driven development environment really gets difficult, because business classes may have too many external dependencies (high coupling) on other

How to Manipulate Images with .NET Programs

The first part in this two-part articlee xplains how you can modify an image without changing its basic content. It shows how to brighten or darken a picture, increase its

Visual Basic Book Excerpt: Useful Namespaces

This is an excerpt from the book “Visual Basic 2010 Programmer’s Reference,” by Rod Stephens. In the book, Stephens provides programmers and developers of all skill levels with a comprehensive