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Recover Dropped Tables in DB2

lot of ugly things can happen in the early morning hours when you are frantically trying to meet a deadline. For example, your mind can falter for a split second

Use JVM Shutdown Hooks to Optimize Resources

ave you ever found yourself in the following scenario: You’ve created server-side Java applications for a production environment.You write a program that allocates external resources: connections to a database using

Installing an RMI Security Manager

hen you write distributed programs with RMI, you want to restrict theactions performed by remotely loaded classes. Otherwise, you mayinadvertently allow unsecure code to access private systemresources. You can secure

WinInet API Programming

isual Basic applications are becoming more connected, and developers are trying to Web-enable their applications by supporting HTTP or FTP. Often this requires using the Microsoft Internet Transfer control or

Expand Your VB6 Printing Repertoire—Part II

n last month’s 10 Minute Solution you explored the basics of printing with VB6. This month’s solution continues that exploration by presenting basic code for printing and previewing text. In

Get Your Stored Procedures Ready for Anything

ermissions are restricted in most environments. Even in development environments, only members of the sysadmin and serveradmin fixed server roles can execute the sp_sdidebug and sp_addmessage extended procedures to grant