
Using REGEX and Patterns in Java

Java has a very powerful library for REGEX. A very basic usage of REGEX is being presented in the code snippet below and we can improve on this to develop

Java StringWriter

StringWriter is similar to StringBuffer, which can collect a host of string values and work with the data. We will explore writing a porting of a given string. Code sample:

Async Query Results

Repository queries can be executed asynchronously using @Async annotation. The result can be a Future, CompletableFuture and ListenableFuture. The method will return immediately upon invocation: @asyncFuture findByName(String name);@asyncCompletableFuture findByName(String name);@asyncListenableFuture

Return a MappingJacksonValue from a REST Controller

A proof of concept can be seen below: @GetMapping(“…”)public MappingJacksonValue fooMethod(…) throws JsonProcessingException { List foos = …; MappingJacksonValue wrapper = new MappingJacksonValue(fooa); … return wrapper;}

Unwrapping a Session from EntityManager

When we need access to a Hibernate Session, we have to unwrap it from the current EntityManager via the unwrap() method as follows: // Spring and Java EE EntityManager em

Selectively Expose CRUD Methods

When a repository interface should not be instantiated at runtime, it should be marked with @NoRepositoryBean annotation as follows: @NoRepositoryBeaninterface BaseRepository extends Repository { // CRUD methods that will not

Avoid Jackson Lazy Init Exceptions

First, add the following dependency to your project (Maven): com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype jackson-datatype-hibernate5 ${jackson.version} Further, add the following bean: @Beanpublic Module datatypeHibernateModule() { return new Hibernate5Module();}