

T-SQL Performance Tip: The * Operator

It is best to avoid using the * operator in your queries, use explicit column names instead. SQL Server scans through all column names and replaces the * operator with

T-SQL Performance Tip: Owner or Schema Name

In order to improve your queries’ performance, you should always include the owner or schema name of an object by including its prefix before an object. Otherwise, the SQL Server


The SQL Server query optimizer processes a JOIN?in the same order as the tables appear in the FROM?clause, when FORCEPLAN?is ON. SET FORCEPLAN ON | OFF

Explore a Few Math Functions in SQL Server

There are a number of math functions in T-SQL. Here are a few of them: SELECT SQRT(49) –Gives 7, Square RootSELECT PI() –Gives 3.14 …. PISELECT ROUND(15.30, 0) –Gives 15.


NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT?specifies the level of error reporting that has been generated when an expression being rounded has caused loss of precision. SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT ON

Working with the IIF Statement in T-SQL

You can use the IIF statement to check quickly for conditions. For example: DECLARE @Spy varchar(20) = ’07’ SELECT IIF(@Spy = ‘007’, ‘Bond, James Bond’, ‘Ernst Stavro Blofeld’) If the

Disable Indexes with SQL

Sometimes you will need to disable an index, albeit temporarily. In order to disable an Index, make use of the following T-SQL Query: USE DatabaseNameGO ALTER INDEX NameOfIndex ON Table.Field