
Web Development

Logging HikariCP Activity in Spring Boot

See how to log HikariCP activity in Spring Boot. In the employ the following:

Select All Elements Quickly in CSS

Use the asterisk (*) symbol as a prefix to select all elements of a selector object and then write your CSS styles on top of it. For example: *div would

The XML Encoding Trap

String xml = fileUtils.readTextFile(“XMLfile.xml”); It’s not a good idea to read an XML file and store it in a String because it wastes memory. The XML specifies its encoding in

Format a Date in Angular

To format a date in an Angular template, use the date pipe. For example, the following code formats the date to short date format by default. {{ dateObject | date:’

How to Add MetaData

To be sure that you are seen on Google, and other search engine, searches, you should make sure that you have provided meta data about your website. Also, to make