
Web Development

Setting a JPA Hint in Spring

How to set a Java Persistence API hint in Spring: @Override@QueryHints(value = { @QueryHint(name = “org.hibernate.cacheable”, value = “true”)})public List findAll();

Flyway with Multiple Databases

Let’s suppose that we have Flyway installed in D:/Flyway folder: copy the conf/flyway.conf file to a file called conf/prod.conf open it and update the username, password and url properties: flyway.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db

Selenium WebDriver – Locate Elements by Name

Getting elements using their tag names is often used to collect autosuggestions, checkboxes, ordered lists, and so on. The following line of code is an example of capturing elements trough

Docker Network Commands

Here is a list of the most popular Docker network commands: docker network create – creates a network docker network connect – connect a container to a network docker network

RESTful Verbs

HTTP RESTful ObservationGET Read safe and idempotentPOST Create neither safe nor idempotentPUT Update not safe, but idempotentDELETE Delete not safe, but can be considered idempotent