
How to Turn on Chrome OS Developer Mode

How to Turn on Chrome OS Developer Mode

chrome os developer mode

Google’s Chrome OS is a popular operating system that is widely used on Chromebooks and other devices. While it is designed to be simple and user-friendly, there are times when users may want to access additional features and functionality. One way to do this is by turning on Chrome OS developer mode.

Developer mode allows users to access the command-line interface, install Linux applications, and make other advanced modifications to their Chrome OS devices. These modifications can include installing custom software, running scripts, and changing system settings that are otherwise not accessible. However, it is important to note that turning on developer mode can make your device less secure and could cause data loss, so it should only be done if you are comfortable with the risks.


One of the main benefits of turning on developer mode is the ability to install Linux applications on a Chrome OS device. This can be especially useful for developers or users who need access to specific software. Software not available on the Chrome Web Store. By installing Linux, you can access a wide range of open-source software that can help you increase your productivity, such as text editors, development tools, and more.

Another advantage of developer mode is the ability to access the command-line interface (CLI) on your Chrome OS device. The CLI is a powerful tool that allows users to perform advanced tasks and troubleshoot issues by typing in commands directly to the system. With the CLI, you can access system information, manage processes, and perform other tasks that are not available through the graphical user interface (GUI).

There are also other features and functionalities which you can explore and customize. For example, developer mode enables you to run custom scripts, which can automate tasks and speed up your workflow. It also lets you create custom keyboard shortcuts that can streamline your workflow. Additionally, you can install custom themes to personalize your Chrome OS device.

To turn on developer mode on your Chrome OS device:

Step 1: Power off your device.

Step 2: Press and hold the Esc + Refresh keys, then press the Power button. This will enter Recovery Mode.

Step 3: You will see a screen with a yellow exclamation point. Press the Ctrl + D keys to turn on developer mode. Note that you will need to do this within 30 seconds of the screen appearing. Or the device will automatically reboot.

Step 4: You will see a warning message that states that “OS verification is off”. Press the Enter key to continue.

Step 5: Your device will now begin to erase all data and install a new copy of Chrome OS. This process may take several minutes to complete.

Step 6: Once the process is complete, you will be prompted to set up your device as if it was new. At this point, developer mode is now enabled on your Chrome OS device.

With developer mode enabled, you now have access to a range of additional features and functionality. However, it is also important to keep in mind that turning off developer mode will erase all data from your device, so you should make sure to back up any important files before disabling them.

It’s also good to note that turning on developer mode on Chrome OS could mean that it will void the warranty of the device. That is why it is essential to understand the risks and ensure that you understand what it entails before proceeding. This also means that you should be careful when making changes to your system. It is possible to cause irreversible damage if you’re not careful.

Developer Mode

Another thing to keep in mind is that developer mode is intended for advanced users and developers. Not by the average person. While it can provide access to a wide range of features and functionality, it can also make your device less secure. This potentially increases the risk of data loss or other problems.

That being said, if you are a developer or an advanced user who needs access to additional features and functionality, then developer mode can be a valuable tool. It can allow you to create custom scripts, install Linux applications, and access the command-line interface, which can help you increase your productivity and streamline your workflow.


In summary, developer mode on Chrome OS is a powerful tool. It can give users access to additional features and functionality. However, it can also make your device less secure and cause data loss. So, only turn it on if you are comfortable with the risks and know how to use it. By following the steps outlined above, you can turn on developer mode on your Chrome OS device and unlock a world of possibilities. Before you proceed make sure to read the risks, ensure that you have a backup of your files, and understand the consequences of turning on developer mode.


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