
What App Developers Are Saying About the iPad

What App Developers Are Saying About the iPad

Do developers agree with Apple’s Scott Forstall that the iPad is a “whole ‘nother gold rush for developers?? The Wall Street Journal talked to execs from Pandora, Flixter, Snapture, ShopSavvy, EverNote, SGN,, NearbyNow, and Scroll Motion. Here are a couple of notable responses:

Scott Dunlap, CEO of NearbyNow: ?I was surprised by how much wasn?t in it. The video looks great, but from the software perspective and how well it works for magazines or books, clearly there?s room for improvement.”

Alexander Muse, co-founder of Big in Japan, maker of the ShopSavvy shopping app: ?We?re excited. The iPad really gives us an opportunity to use a lot more screen real estate.”

John Lema, CEO of Scroll Motion: “What Apple showed yesterday was the idea that the iPad is a new portal to all the content in the world. Every bit of content in the world is about to be sold one more time for this device.”

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