
Yahoo Tightens Up Hadoop for Security, Workflow Management

Yahoo Tightens Up Hadoop for Security, Workflow Management

Yesterday at Yahoo’s annual Hadoop developer conference, the company unveiled a new beta of the open source distributed file system. The new release incorporates two other open-source tools: the Kerberos project, which allows for more secure collaboration and sharing of authenticated data, and Oozie, which manages workflows and data pipelines.

Company officials say that those two additions make Hadoop more enterprise-ready, and some analysts agree. “Apache Hadoop is an efficient solution for processing data at scale,” noted IDC’s Melanie Posey. “Hadoop has matured and is now becoming an enterprise-ready cloud computing technology with the addition of Kerberos authentication,” she added. “Now organizations of various sizes can leverage Yahoo’s Hadoop investment and deployments to run it on their own systems and build out their own Hadoop deployments without starting from scratch on internal science experiments.”

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