
Agile Leads Resurgence Of Corporate Dev Projects

Agile Leads Resurgence Of Corporate Dev Projects

Two new reports are shedding light on the use of agile development at large organizations. The first, “The State of Business Analysis in Agile IT Practices,” was created by a group headed by the Consortium. It notes that “Organizations adopting Agile see significant improvement in application quality and time-to-market.” However, it points out six issues that make agile development more difficult: large project team sizes, domain complexity, rigid interdepartmental relationships, global geographic distribution, technical complexity and contractual departmental service level agreements.

The second report, the “2010-11 World Quality Report,” was co-produced by Capgemini Group and HP Software and Solutions. It states, “Over 60 percent of all companies have either already adopted Agile methods or they are planning to do so in the near future.” It also notes, “Despite many challenges, Agile is here to stay, and it is gaining popularity.”

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