
10 Ways Curated App Stores Undermine Developers

10 Ways Curated App Stores Undermine Developers

A new report from Forrester says that Apple’s App Store marks the advent of a new relationship between tech vendors and consumers, which they call “curated computing.” In curated computing “choice is constrained to deliver more relevant, less complex experiences,” the report explains.

While Forrester believes that curated computing helps consumers, DeveloperWorld points out that it could harm application developers in 10 key ways:

  1. “The platform vendor gets a big cut of the profits.
  2. The curator has veto powers.
  3. Developers must compete with platform vendors.
  4. Apps on an app store can be hard to market.
  5. The curating process is not always effective.
  6. App store security is questionable.
  7. The curated model is hostile to free software.
  8. App stores don’t always work.
  9. App stores fragment the market.
  10. App stores aren’t always successful.”

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