
The Good, Bad and Ugly of Custom-Built Mobile Apps

The Good, Bad and Ugly of Custom-Built Mobile Apps

As mobile apps become more important to our everyday lives, a growing number of SMBs are looking to create custom apps. Often, these small businesses are turning to third-party developers to create their apps for them.

Why go to that expense? Most SMBs lack in-house developers with good mobile app skills. While Apple and Google have released SDKs designed to make app development easier, these tools are no substitute for actual know-how and are considered by some to be little better than toys.


Also, while the app stores already offer a huge library of pre-built apps, companies may need to customize those apps in order to get them to work for their purposes. In some cases, getting access to the source code and permission to customize an app can cost just as much as having an app built from scratch.

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