
VersionOne Survey Finds Agile Development Knowledge and Use on the Rise

VersionOne Survey Finds Agile Development Knowledge and Use on the Rise

Every year, agile software vendor VersionOne releases a “State of Agile Survey.” This year’s results showed a marked increase in the level of experience with the development methodology, particularly when compared to the 2008 survey. This year, 26 percent of those surveyed described themselves as “extremely knowledgeable,” compared to just 11 percent in 2008. In 2010, 43 percent said they were “moderately knowledgeable,” while 30 percent said the same in 2008.


?“This year’s respondents have validated that agile is moving further into the mainstream and that organizations are scaling their agile initiatives; nearly half of all software projects use agile methodologies compared to less than 33% four years ago,” said Robert Holler, CEO of VersionOne.

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