
Gizmox Tool Turns Desktop Apps into Cloud or Mobile Apps

Gizmox Tool Turns Desktop Apps into Cloud or Mobile Apps

Application development tool vendor Gizmox has unveiled a new solution called Instant CloudMove that makes it easier for developers to re-purpose their desktop applications. It transforms .NET client/server applications into virtualized applications that can be accessed from any browser. And according to the company, when compared to similar products, Instant CloudMove reduces CPU usage and bandwidth consumption, while increasing the number of supported users.


“Our vision is to enable enterprises, SMBs and individuals to transform their own business applications into SaaS deployments without specialized expertise or training,” said Navot Peled, president at Gizmox. “With Instant CloudMove, businesses can reuse and transform their software to SaaS, Cloud/Web or mobile based deployments without reinvesting time, money and resources in re-architecting and rewriting desktop applications.”

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