
Computer Science Graduates Get the Most Job Offers

Computer Science Graduates Get the Most Job Offers

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2011 college graduates who majored in computer science were more likely to receive job offers than those with any other majors. In fact, 56.2% of computer science majors received job offers, a 13.8 percent increase from the previous year. Also, many new computer science graduates are receiving multiple offers.

While the news points to improvement in the job market for developers, it may not be as good for more experienced developers. Mimi Collins of NACE notes that many employers like to hire recent computer science graduates because their skills are more up to date. She said, “Because they have been taught the latest skills, this makes them appealing. Many organizations have a formal track where they want to bring in new college graduates and train them the way they want them to be trained.

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