
LexisNexis Releases Code for Its Hadoop-Killer

LexisNexis Releases Code for Its Hadoop-Killer

LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ division HPCC Systems has announced that it is open sourcing the code for its High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) software. HPCC is a data-processing-and-delivery solution that the company is marketing as an alternative to Hadoop. HPCC includes two major components: Thor, which analyzes large datasets in a manner similar to Hadoop, and Roxie, which is closer to a traditional RBDMS or a data warehouse.

“We haven’t killed Hadoop [yet] … but we have killed mainframes,” said LexisNexis CTO Armando Escalante.

The open source community version is available for download from GitHub, and HPCC also offers an enterprise version with a commercial license.

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