
RIM to Continue Work on Flash

RIM to Continue Work on Flash

The folks at RIM like to brag that their PlayBook tablet is one of the few that support Flash. But now that Adobe is canceling support for mobile Flash, where does that leave RIM?

For now, RIM plans to continue supporting Flash-based apps. “As an Adobe source code licensee, we will continue to work on and release our own implementations, and are looking forward to including Flash 11.1 for the BlackBerry PlayBook,” blogged RIM’s Dan Dodge.

“The PlayBook browser does a great job of supporting both HTML5 and Flash, including industry leading HD video streaming,” added Adobe’s Danny Winokur. “Adobe and RIM are focused on HTML5 innovation for mobile browsing and believe it is the best solution for developers to deliver rich Web experiences on RIM’s BlackBerry products and other mobile devices. RIM has the ability to continue working on and releasing its own implementations of Flash Player 11 and beyond.”

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