CoffeeScript and Java Becoming More Popular, Says RedMonk

CoffeeScript and Java Becoming More Popular, Says RedMonk

Analyst firm RedMonk has published its February 2012 language rankings, and it finds that both Java and CoffeeScript have increased their popularity since its last report in September 2011. CoffeeScript soared from 19th most popular to 13th most popular in just six months. And Java showed impressive growth on GitHub and Stack Overflow, despite predictions that the language is “dying.”

RedMonk formulates its rankings based on activity on GitHub and Stack Overflow. While the results are interesting, analyst Stephen O’Grady warned, “This is a measure of two specific communities, and therefore reflective of the respective biases in terms of usage of same. This kind of analysis is observational in nature, and therefore cannot be considered representative of the market as a whole.”

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