
StackMob Unveils Hosted HTML5 Service

StackMob Unveils Hosted HTML5 Service

Mobile back-end service provider StackMob is becoming a full end-to-end mobile solution provider by adding HTML5 hosting to its menu of services. “We had to start with backend first because it takes much longer to build in the flexibility and scalability,” said CEO Ty Amell, “but now that we have that system down, now we’re launching our hosted HTML5 solution.”

Developers who already use StackMob’s service can use the HTML5 hosting at no additional cost. The service integrates with GitHub, and it offers a variety of features that can increase the performance of HTML5 apps.

StackMob believes that HTML5 will dominate the mobile development industry in the long run. “Eventually, HTML5 is going to win because of this network-connected device world. You’re not going to have the ability to write for whatever proprietary language all these platform devices are going to be on,” predicted Amell. “Even your toaster is going to be network-connected and have to talk to the cloud.”

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