
What the New iPad Means for Developers

What the New iPad Means for Developers

On Wednesday, Apple introduced the “new iPad,” which offers all around better performance than its predecessor. Two keys for mobile development pros are the retina display and quad-core A5X processor, which will allow for the creation of apps with better graphics and “console-quality” games. In addition, the base model iPad now has a lower sticker price, which may make it more attractive to more consumers. That in turn, could offer developers a larger market for their wares.

But the biggest news for developers may have been Tim Cook’s assertion that we are in the midst of a “post-PC revolution.” According to Cook, we are entering “a world where the PC is no longer the center of your digital world, but rather just a device,” said Cook. “We’re talking about a world where your new devices, the devices you use the most, need to be more portable, more personal and dramatically easier to use than any PC has ever been.” That revolution means major changes to consumers and enterprises — as well as major opportunities for developers.

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