
850,000 New Activations a Day for Android

850,000 New Activations a Day for Android

On Thursday, Google CEO Larry Page posted an open letter on the Web, touting his company’s accomplishments, particularly its accomplishments with Android. “Android is on fire, and the pace of mobile innovation has never been greater,” he wrote. “Over 850,000 devices are activated daily through a network of 55 manufacturers and more than 300 carriers.”

He added, “I remember first meeting Andy Rubin, the creator of Android, back in 2004. At the time, developing apps for mobile devices was incredibly painful. We had a closet full of over 100 phones, and we were building our software pretty much one device at a time. Andy believed that aligning standards around an open-source operating system would drive innovation across the mobile industry. At the time, most people thought he was nuts.”

Today’s Rubin’s vision has taken hold, with Android phones accounting for more than half of all new smartphone purchases in the U.S.

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