
Facebook Launches App Center

Facebook Launches App Center

Facebook is officially getting into the app store business by launching a new App Center. Although apps have long been a part of the social network, until now it has lacked a central hub for users to find new apps. In addition, developers who created apps for the platform could only get paid through in-app purchases. The App Center should improve discoverability, and it allows developers to charge fees to use apps.

Apps must meet quality guidelines in order to gain entrance to App Center, and Facebook says it has put a system in place to ensure that high-quality apps do better than low-quality apps. “Success through the App Center is tied to the quality of an app. We use a variety of signals, such as user ratings and engagement, to determine if an app is listed in the App Center,” said Facebook. “Well-designed apps that people enjoy will be prominently displayed. Apps that receive poor user ratings or don’t meet the quality guidelines won’t be listed.”

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