
App Selection, Price Are Biggest Factors in Tablet Purchase

App Selection, Price Are Biggest Factors in Tablet Purchase

A new survey by comScore confirms the traditional wisdom that mobile platforms must court developers if they want to appeal to buyers. Tablet purchasers said that app selection and price were the two most important criteria when deciding which tablet to buy. Both scored a 7.7 out of 10.

Although app selection and price tied overall, the survey found some distinct variation between iPad buyers and those who purchased Android tablets, including the Kindle Fire. The iPad buyers said app selection was more important (8.7) than price (7.2), but the Android buyers said price was more important (7.9) than apps (7.3). Kindle Fire owners also rated price more highly (8.1) than apps (7.5).

In addition, the survey highlighted demographic data that could be helpful for mobile development pros. Among those surveyed, iPad buyers were more likely to be male, younger and wealthier than Android buyers. A majority of Kindle Fire owners (56.6 percent) were female.

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