
Enterprise Mobile Development News at WWDC

Enterprise Mobile Development News at WWDC

Many of the announcements Apple made at its Worldwide Development Conference (WWDC) were focused on the consumer market for its products, but it also had some news of interest for enterprise mobile development teams and developers who target the B2B market.

First, the company is opening up several of its tools, including Siri, iMessage and Maps to third-party developers. That means developers will be able to create enterprise-focused apps, as well as consumer apps.

In addition, the company is encouraging wider use of its Swift programming language. It has several education-focused efforts surrounding the language, and its partner IBM has launched a wide variety of cloud development tools for Swift, including some that encourage server-side use of the language. IBM vice-president of enterprise mobile development Phil Buckellew said Swift is “a game-changer for enterprises. Swift is well on its way to becoming a first-class language for enterprise use.”

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