
Appsecute Promises Single Dashboard for All Devops Services

Appsecute Promises Single Dashboard for All Devops Services

The advent of the era of cloud development has meant that many developers now use multiple cloud-based services in their day-to-day activities. And tracking all of those services in a devops environment can be particularly challenging.

Appsecute has introduced a new dashboard that can consolidate information from many of those different services and provide a timeline view of alerts. Currently, it integrates with GitHub, Zendesk, Tender Support, CircleCI, AppFog, and Heroku. And the company plans to add connectors for New Relic, Amazon Web Services, the full Cloud Foundry, Travis CI, Jenkins CI, Team City, Pingdom, PagerDuty, RSS, Twitter, Facebook, SNMP, Nodejitsu, EngineYard, OpenShift, Rackspace, Nagios, Sendgrid, Mailchimp and Cloudability.

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