
CA Technologies Buys Layer 7, Nolio

CA Technologies Buys Layer 7, Nolio

CA Technologies has acquired a pair of smaller companies that make application development and deployment tools. The first company, Layer 7, makes API management and security products that complement CA’s existing DevOps tools. CA’s Mike Denning noted, “There are billions of API calls a day and that number is going to increase with the proliferation of smart devices, ranging from vehicles, meters, TVs and other devices, as they start interacting over APIs. Without API security and management, thousands of business services are vulnerable to disruption.”

The second company, Nolio, is an Israel-based startup that also makes products related to DevOps techniques. Its offerings include the ASAP Platform, which centralizes application testing and deployment. The company says ASAP can reduce the time required for enterprise application development and deployment by up to 90 percent.

Terms of the deals were not disclosed.

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