
California Sues Delta Over App Privacy Policy

California Sues Delta Over App Privacy Policy

Making good on her promise to crack down on mobile apps without privacy policies, California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris has filed a civil lawsuit against Delta Airlines. The state claims that Delta’s mobile apps fail to include a privacy policy, as required under California law and that the apps collect a variety of personal information, including names, telephone numbers, email address, frequent-flier-account numbers, photographs, credit-card numbers and locations.

This is the first time California has gone after a mobile app developer for failure to comply with the law that requires online services to post privacy policies “conspicuously.”

“Losing your personal privacy should not be the cost of using mobile apps, but all too often it is,” said Harris. “California law is clear that mobile apps collecting personal information need privacy policies, and that the users of those apps deserve to know what is being done with their personal information.”

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